Saturday, September 3, 2011

long-distance marriage BLOWS!

here we go again.  after a summer of living together as hubby & wifey in dC, we are now (again) subjected to the idea of long-distance marriage. really??!?  it's not the finest idea but it apparently seems the most logical and "best" scenario for us now, as i continue & finish my schooling in the STL.  it's as if we're dating once more yet more complicated:  we still have our marital spats (the usual suspects:  what's the budget, what are we going to do about our "child" a.k.a. doggie during this ordeal, and sometimes about "why didn't you tell me i had a stain on my shirt?") but it just doesn't seem fair when we conduct these kinds of args over g-chat video or on the phone.  M makes me LOL when i've become to frustrated with him during an argument that i completely fizzle out.  at least my fire-cracker attitude does.

but back to the long-distance marriage, highlighting the fact that we're newlyweds.  if this was a faCeBooK status, i wish there were a "dislike" button with a thumbs-down picture i could keep pressing again and again.  it's bogus that we have to live this way, but i'm beginning to fight it less and work with it more.  the situation stinks more than i can pinch my nose, but we (or at least i) are beginning to deal with it.  it's just a shame that he's not the person i see when i enter the newly occupied unit in one of STL's most beautiful living areas.  the fact that our doggie CC isn't with me either, adds salt to the wound.  i'm lonely without my little family here.  granted, i AM busy with my responsibilities locally and nationally (let's not forget full-time graduate studies and leadership commitments), but it's just not fair (complain, complain, i know) that we are subjected to being a fragmented family.  we are going to try to see each other every 2 weeks (whether he comes here or i fly back to dC).  if anyone have any other suggestions on how we can keep ourselves (or me) on the upbeat about being in a long-distance marriage, i'm totally open to suggestions.  realistic ones, please.